Courses / Modules / HIST3257 America and the world, 1945-2000: technology, conflict and the lives of others (Part 1)

America and the world, 1945-2000: technology, conflict and the lives of others (Part 1)

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Kendrick Oliver
Academic year

Module overview

The history of the post-war world has been powerfully shaped by the decisions and actions of American political and military leaders, and by the deployment of American defense technologies. This module considers the significance of humanitarian concerns within US national security discourse from the fire-bombing of Germany and Japan during the Second World War through to the start of the Vietnam War. It also examines the actual impacts of American war-making and war-fighting technologies upon the lives of others, including the population of Hiroshima, the victims of napalm in Korea, those exposed to radioactive fallout from US nuclear tests, and the inhabitants of strategic hamlets in Vietnam.