Module overview
This module is designed to support your development towards advanced clinical practice. Through a mixture of tutorials and action learning groups, you will explore the elements of advanced practice and apply them of your own journey.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Critically reflect on your role transition towards advanced practice through personal, professional and academic development.
- Demonstrate advanced interpersonal skills including those of negotiation, referral, consultation, case presentation, mentorship and education.
- Demonstrate the integration of best evidence when undertaking health assessment, diagnostic reasoning, decision making, therapeutic intervention and evaluation within the context of advanced clinical practice.
- Critically evaluate the contribution of your profession, and underpinning health and social policy, to the health of the specified client group.
- Demonstrate leadership, collaboration and risk management in contexts that are challenging, complex and /or unpredictable.
- Critically evaluate how your advanced practice role can improve health outcomes.
This module has been specifically designed to enable integration of the learning and personal/professional development that occurs during study of the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice. The module content is designed to allow you to critically explore and debate both national and international perspectives on advanced clinical practice, and their underpinning evidence base. It recognises that there are a multitude of different definitions and conceptualisations of advanced practice, ranging from those that are focused on very specific practitioner roles through to those that are much broader articulations of practice at a senior or expert level. It also recognises that there are marked regional, national and international variations in how advanced practice roles are articulated and enacted, as well as variations across the different healthcare professions. Associated with these variants are also differing levels of professional autonomy. The module will thus enable you to explore and identify what advanced practice means within the context of your own professional practice role, and equip you to further develop your advanced clinical practice beyond the end of the module.
Core content will include:
- Analysis of the concept and scope of advanced practice, and its interface with accountability, clinical governance, autonomy, specialist practice and expert practice.
- Integration of communication and assessment skills, decision making, management and speciality specific knowledge and skills acquired during the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice programme.
- Role transition and professional identity in advanced practice
- Legal and ethical issues underpinning advanced/autonomous practice
- Leadership within advanced practice
- Advanced practitioner roles in the context of the multi-disciplinary/multi agency team.
- UK and international health and social care policy in relation to advanced practice.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Teaching and learning methods are underpinned by constructivist theory (Piaget 1950).
Students will use their experience and construct knowledge in order to achieve the learning outcomes. Although lectures by experts within the field of advanced practice will form a central component of the module, the greater emphasis will be on student centred debate, critical appraisal and action learning, to enable you to fully explore the meaning of advanced practice within the context of your own professional role and future career development.
They will include:
- Seminars
- Action learning sets
- Case presentations
- Lectures
- Critique of published papers and policies
- Group debate/critical discussion.
- Self -directed learning.
Key contributors to the module include active researchers and advanced/consultant practitioners as well as experts in the field of advanced clinical practice.
Piaget J (1950) The Psychology of Intelligence. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul
Type | Hours |
Preparation for scheduled sessions | 20 |
Completion of assessment task | 100 |
Follow-up work | 88 |
Lecture | 42 |
Total study time | 250 |
Resources & Reading list
Internet Resources
Journal Articles
Portfolios and the assessment of competence in nursing: a literature review.. , 44(1), pp. 143-151.
Advanced Midwifery Practice or Advancing Midwifery Practice. , 23(3), pp. 117-120.
Advanced Practice for Therapy Radiographers: A Discussion Paper. , 14(1), pp. 21-34.
Role Development and Effective Practice in Specialist and Advanced Practice Roles in Acute Hospital Settings: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. , 49(2), pp. 191-209.
Review of Advanced Nursing Practice: The International Literature and Developing the Generic Features.. , 16, pp. 28-37.
Schober M and Affara F (2006). International Council of Nurses: Advanced Nursing Practice. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
International Council of Nurses (2008). The Scope of Practice, Standards and Competencies of the Advanced Practice Nurse. Geneva: ICN.
Hinchcliff S and Rogers R (2008). Competencies for Advanced Nursing Practice. Hodder Arnold.
McGee P and Castledine G (2009). Advanced practice in Nursing and Allied Health Professions. Revised.edition: Wiley Blackwell..
Department of Health (2010). Advanced Level Nursing: a position statement. London: DH.
Benner P (1984). From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Clinical Practice. California: Addison Wesley.
This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.
Oral presentation
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback: Continual feedback in action learning groups and then on presentation.
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Portfolio | 100% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Portfolio | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External