Courses / Modules / LANG2012 Researching Language, Culture and Communication in the Global World

Researching Language, Culture and Communication in the Global World

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Alexandra Krendel
Academic year

Module overview

This module will introduce you to solving real world problems in the area of Language, Culture and Communication with research methods including forms of discourse analysis, questionnaires, interviews and narrative inquiry.

You will reflect on some key issues such as the nature of knowledge, theory and data. This will allow you to critically evaluate studies and their research methods, and to design your own study or intervention. You will also discuss practical challenges of designing and conducting research such as defining research questions, identifying appropriate methods, research management and problem solving, writing up research, ethical issues, presenting research and thinking reflexively about research.

You will also be introduced to the option of producing a professional project as an alternative to the traditional dissertation.