Courses / Modules / MEDI5018 Elective


When you'll study it
Semester 2
Level 6
Module lead
Anja Timm
Academic year

Module overview

This module provides the students with the opportunity to gain experience in different health, social or community care settings which can be in the UK or abroad - in accordance with prevailing University and Foreign-Commonwealth Office travel guidance.

The module will normally take the format of 8 week placement in one or more healthcare or suitable alternative settings. The timing will vary for different student groups and the teaching staff will vary for different practices and student groups. As is the nature of the elective, the exact learning experiences of each student will be variable. However, all students should receive the same broad opportunities sufficient to achieve the learning outcomes of the module and it is expected that students will take responsibility for making the most of the opportunities provided.

Students should be pro-active in securing experiences in areas in which they feel they are weak and/or in which they would like to gain more experience. Alternatively students may wish to explore a specialist interest or experience a non-NHS healthcare setting, including charitable organisations, care agencies or research.

Further details will be provided on Blackboard.