Module overview
The development of a learning contract is a course completion requirement for this module. The learning contract will either be a set contract or an individual contract (see learning outcomes section).
For those on an individual learning contract you must submit a learning contract within one month of the start date of the module.
You must be working in a health or social care environment with support from your manager and/or a practice facilitator/mentor.
You will require:
- Ability and motivation to work independently.
- Skills in accessing evidence from a range of sources.
- Skills in identifying your own learning needs.
- IT skills and the confidence to use a range of technologies including email.
If you are embarking on level 6 for the first time you are strongly advised NOT to use this as your first module.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Critically analyse the evidence base for your stated aspect of practice
- Clearly articulate a purpose and rationale for exploring an identified aspect of practice
- Develop methods for evaluating the proposed actions in your chosen aspect of practice
- Plan actions, underpinned by the evidence base, to improve your chosen aspect of practice.
- Critically explore the potential impact of the evidence base on your chosen aspect of practice
There is no taught content within the module as it is designed to offer practitioners an innovative and flexible approach to learning; one that is embedded in their practice.
You are expected to:
- Demonstrate skills of evidence-based practice, reflection and appraisal commensurate with the level at which you are studying.
- Demonstrate knowledge of a topic commensurate with level 6 academic study.
- Seek out and use feedback from colleagues and academic supporters proactively.
- Take responsibility for identifying your own learning needs and seek help as required.
This module can be undertaken by practitioners from any health or social care discipline.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
You will be provided with online resources to enable you to understand the following:
- The module philosophy and purpose. The module delivery is based on a philosophy of adult learning and you are required to:
o Identify a practice mentor who will support you in the achievement of your learning outcomes
o Create opportunities at work that will enable you to achieve your outcomes.
o Manage your time and regulate your activities effectively so that you achieve your aim, learning outcomes and academic assignment.
- The roles and responsibilities of students, the module lead, cohort leads, managers, mentors and academic advisors
- The processes which support you when you are completing the module
- Drafting of learning contract (or exploration of set learning contract)
The following will be responsible for providing on-going support:
The WBL Blackboard site is an online resource for a range of materials including videos, learning activities, exemplars and discussion with fellow students.
An academic advisor will be allocated to assist development of your learning contract and provide appropriate academic support.
The module leader can answer queries via email and will provide support with writing learning outcomes and achieving the academic level required.
Your cohort leader (for those with set contracts) will be an important source of support, particularly with practice-based study opportunities.
Your practice manager and/or mentor will be an important source of support within your practice.
Type | Hours |
Wider reading or practice | 100 |
Assessment tasks | 100 |
Guided independent study | 100 |
Independent Study | 200 |
Total study time | 500 |
Resources & Reading list
B Kent (2010). Clinical context for evidence-based nursing practice e-book.
H Aveyard, P Sharp (2013). A beginner’s guide to evidence- based practice in health and social care e-book.
Helen Aveyard (2014). Doing a literature review in health and social care: a practical guide e-book.
Aveyard H, Sharp P, & Woolliams M (2011). Beginner’s guide to critical thinking and writing in health and social care e-book.
Assessment strategy
The chosen assessment method(s) must be equivalent to 6000 words. The assessment method can comprise a mixture of assignments.
The chosen method of assignment will usually be pre-determined for those on SET contracts.
For those on INDIVIDUAL contracts the assignment method(s) can be decided by you but should be negotiated with your practice-based manager, your academic advisor and the module lead to ensure relevance and appropriateness. The chosen assignment method(s) should be clearly presented on the finalised learning contract.
You should select TWO of the following;
A. Written assignment of 3000 words (50% of final mark)
B. Oral presentation (max 20 minutes and requiring submission of presentation with notes and reference list) (50% of final mark)
C. A completed practice-based document (pass/fail) and a written assignment of 1,500 words (50% of final mark)
Alternatively you can select the following;
A. Two written assignments of 3000 words (6000 words total) (each assignment 50% of final mark)
All parts of the assignment must be passed with a minimum mark of 40% for graded assignments.
This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.
Development of a learning contract
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback: Set contract: ensure you understand the contract you have been given. You may be required to identify specific topics that you will focus on for your contract. Individual contract: ensure you submit your draft learning contract to the module lead, for feedback, within one month of commencing the module.
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
Draft piece
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback: The feedback will assist you to develop your final assignment/presentation to better meet the assessment requirements.
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Assignment | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal