Module overview
This module provides an opportunity to experience current practice in physiotherapy. It will take place in a variety of locations across the south of England. Principle providers of placement will be in community, secondary or primary care settings. You will be linked to an experienced therapist who will act as placement educator for the entire period of study. You and the placement educator will be allocated an academic contact (a member of the academic staff in the physio team) who will provide a link to the academic programme and will talk to you at least once during the placement. You are supernumerary to the staff on the unit in which you are placed.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Modify styles to communicate in developing effective working relationships with patients/clients and other professionals taking account of ethical considerations and respecting their rights, dignity, and confidentiality
- Produce a comprehensive case study arising from practice; that evidences the application of theoretical and practical skills learnt throughout academic year and in previous practice placement/s, and evaluates the effectiveness of the assessment, intervention and management
- Reflect on and critically evaluate recent professional activity indicating the impact of critical events on personal and professional practice
- Examine and assess patients, involving them in the analysis of the information, in identifying problems and planning treatment programmes with regard to individual patient need with prompting from clinical educator/s
- Manage a caseload, prioritising your workload and managing your time effectively
- Foster effective working relationships with members of the multidisciplinary team providing appropriate
- Select and apply appropriate interventions taking into account health and safety issues, and modify them in response to the evaluation of the effects achieved
- Construct management plans and manage resources in the light of departmental expectations, constraints and available supporting services
The integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes specific to the specialty area of the placement reflect the five sections of practice: safe/professional conduct, professionalism, interpersonal, clinical and management skills as defined in the pre-set practice placement assessment criteria.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Your learning will be facilitated by a placement educator(s) who will use a variety of methods, including:
- Demonstration by a recognised placement educator in the placement facility
- Supervised service user contact using mentorship
- Staff and learner led presentations
- Case study/presentations
- Ward rounds/case conferences
- Attendance at clinics and opportunities to observe specialist treatments such as surgical interventions
- Departmental in-service programmes
- Peer support in the university and practice-based setting
- Support from placement educators and visiting academics (locality contacts)
- ELearning resources: blackboard site
- Learning resources in practice area
- Practice Placement handbook
Type | Hours |
Placement | 240 |
Total study time | 240 |
Resources & Reading list
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (2011). Code of Members Professional Values and Behaviour. London: CSP.
Broad M.A, Quint.M, Thomas.S., Twose. P., (2012). Cardiorespiratory Assessment of the Adult patient A clinicians guide. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier.
Hengeveld and Banks (2013). Maitland's Peripheral Manipulation: management of neuromusculoskeletal disorders - Volume 2. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Sheila Lennon, Geert Verheyden, Gita Ramdharry (2018). Neurological Physiotherapy Pocketbook. Elsevier.
Higgs J, Jenson G, Loftus, S & Christensen, N (2018). Clinical Reasoning in the Health professions. Oxford: Elsevier.
Hough (2017). Cardiorespiratory Care: an evidence-based, problem-solving approach. Elsevier.
Hengeveld and Banks (2013). Maitland's Vertebral Manipulation: management of neuromusculoskeletal disorders - Volume 1. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Assessment strategy
BSc students are required to achieve 40%
Only two total attempts are allowed, irrespective of the regulatory conditions under which it is attempted. Any student who must re-attempt this module in a subsequent academic year must do so in attendance, as there is no external option.
If this is the only module taken in a specific academic year then the student will be suspended when not directly on placement. The attempt will be subject to pro-rata fees liability, which will be calculated based upon the credit total of the module. Any student choosing to re-attempt the module accepts the conditions described above and the fees liabilities defined, this includes any student who attempts this module as part of the conditional progression policy.
This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.
Assessment of Practice
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback: Ongoing/continuous feedback will be provided throughout placement with a specific formative evaluation at halfway point. It is expected that students will have formal supervision at least once per week
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Assessment of Practice | 100% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Assessment of Practice | 100% |