Module overview
This module covers applications of renewable energy, storage and nuclear power. The module is split equally across the three aspects of renewable energy, storage and nuclear power.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding
Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- Overview of electrical energy storage systems and how such storage systems are controlled [EAB D2 & D5]
- Underlying reactor physics and engineering aspects of the reactor design [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes SM7M, SM8M and SM9M]
- Introduction and overview of grid connection standards and processes e.g. G59 and G83 standards, as applied to renewable energy developments. [EAB P1, P4m & P6]
- Fundamental physics behind nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and radioactive decay [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes SM7M, SM8M and SM9M]
- Voltage versus current characteristics of the solar cell, PV panel circuits and solar farm layouts, electrical scheme for large solar farm (>1MW) [EAB D1, D2, EL2], electrical modelling of PV systems [EAB EA2]
Subject Specific Practical Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Critically appraise a range of different electrical energy storage system types for application within a sustainable energy economy. [EAB P9m, P10m]
- Apply the knowledge gained in the module to describe the various components of a nuclear power plant and the various options available for each of these components, as well as being able to evaluate the requirements and methodologies for radiation protection. [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes P9m and P10m]
- Critically appraise different reactor types, including novel designs, for various applications in a sustainable energy economy. [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes P9m and P10m]
- Apply the knowledge gained in the module to describe the various components of a solar pv or wind energy development, estimate the yield of this development, have knowledge of applicable grid connection standards and understand the process to consider whether this development will benefit from integration of an electrical energy storage system. [EAB P9m, P10m]
Transferable and Generic Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Think, observe, communicate, evaluate information and data, analyse and solve problems. [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes P9m and P10m]
Knowledge and Understanding
Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
Solar PV-Voltage versus current characteristics of the solar cell versus irradiation and electrical loading, PV panel circuits and solar farm layouts, performance variation with shading, electrical scheme for large solar farm (>1MW) [EAB D1, D2, EL2], operation of Maximum Power Point Trackers (MPPTs), energy yield determination [EAB SM2m], electrical modelling of PV systems [EAB EA2]
Wind turbines - electrical systems (generator types, direct drive, nacelle/turbine control systems, turbine output performance versus wind speed), pitch control and stall control systems [EAB D1 & D2], energy yield determination [EAB SM2m], electrical modelling of wind turbine systems [EAB EA2]
Grid Systems - Introduction and overview of grid connection standards and processes e.g. G59 and G83 standards, as applied to renewable energy developments. [EAB P1, P4m & P6]
Power Electronics - introduction to power electronic (PE) devices, converter topologies relevant to solar PV and wind energy e.g. dc/dc converters, inverters (only grid connect), MPPT systems and types (e.g. perturb and observe etc.) [EAB P9m]
Storage - brief overview of electrical energy storage systems e.g. batteries, flow cells, supercapacitors, how solar & wind energy systems interface with battery energy storage, and how such storage systems are controlled [EAB D2 & D5]
Safety - Identify and evaluate the key safety and planning issues associated with solar PV, wind energy and electrical energy storage. [EAB EL5m]
Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
Apply the knowledge gained in the module to describe the various components of a solar pv or wind energy development, estimate the yield of this development, have knowledge of applicable grid connection standards and understand the process to consider whether this development will benefit from integration of an electrical energy storage system. [EAB P9m, P10m]
Critically appraise a range of different electrical energy storage system types for application within a sustainable energy economy. [EAB P9m, P10m]
Knowledge and Understanding
Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
Describe the current status of nuclear reactors for electricity generation [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes P9m]
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different types of nuclear reactor for applications in a sustainable energy economy [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes P9m and P10m]
Describe the fundamental physics behind nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and radioactive decay [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes SM7M, SM8M and SM9M]
Develop an understanding of the underlying reactor physics and engineering aspects of the reactor design [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes SM7M, SM8M and SM9M]
Identify and evaluate the key safety issues associated with nuclear power generation. [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes EL11M]
Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
Apply the knowledge gained in the module to describe the various components of a nuclear power plant and the various options available for each of these components, as well as being able to evaluate the requirements and methodologies for radiation protection. [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes P9m and P10m]
Critically appraise different reactor types, including novel designs, for various applications in a sustainable energy economy. [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes P9m and P10m]
Transferable and Generic Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
Think, observe, communicate, evaluate information and data, analyse and solve problems. [Contribute to EAB learning outcomes P9m and P10m]
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
The teaching methods employed in the delivery of this module include:
- Lectures.
- Seminars.
- Demonstrations and video material when appropriate.
- Laboratory exercise in power electronics
- Scheduled tutorials for student groups to develop assignment study.
- Guest lectures.
The learning activities include:
- Individual reading of background material and course texts, plus work on examples.
- Web based problems (via Blackboard).
- Field trips (to Hinckley Point nuclear station and/or a local solar farm) if these can be scheduled with the level of student numbers.
Type | Hours |
Independent Study | 50 |
Revision | 44 |
Seminar | 2 |
External visits | 5 |
Specialist Laboratory | 3 |
Lecture | 26 |
Assessment tasks | 20 |
Total study time | 150 |
Resources & Reading list
Internet Resources
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Assessment | 90% |
A lab report | 10% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Examination | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External