Professor Katrin Deinhardt

Professor Katrin Deinhardt


Research interests

  • Short- and long-range neurotrophin signalling and its role in morphological plasticity
  • Early neuronal dysfunction in disturbed proteostasis
  • Cellular mechanisms that underlie tau propagation across neurons

More research


Dr Katrin Deinhardt is Professor of Cellular Neurobiology within Biological Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Career History

2023-current: Professor of Cellular Neurobiology. Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, UK.

2020-2023: Associate Professor in Neuroscience. Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, UK.
2013-2020: Lecturer in Neuroscience. Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, UK.
2007-2013: Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Skirball Institute, NYU SoM, New York, USA.
2006-2007: Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Cancer Research UK, London, UK.

Academic Qualifications

2015: Postgraduate certificate in Academic Practice; FHEA
2006: PhD in Cell Biology. Cancer Research UK, UCL, London, UK.
2001: Diplom in Biochemie. Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, UK.