Research centre


Scientist carrying out experiment using the facilities equipment

We provide research space, consultancy, and training in characterisation and remediation technologies for civil nuclear programmes, decommissioning, site clean-up, and new nuclear infrastructure.

Part of the National Nuclear User Facility (NNUF) - recognised as a distributed centre of excellence in nuclear science and technology - Next Generation Accelerated Characterisation Technologies (EXACT) is a facility offering flexible support to industry and academia. 

Based at Southampton’s National Oceanography Centre, we offer unparalleled access to specialist teams and equipment, operational support and bespoke training programmes, so you can focus on your tasks at hand. 

The EXACT facility underpins our work (and that of groups in the UK, EU and beyond) in developing more sustainable methods to manage our nuclear wastes legacy.
Chair in Environmental Radiochemistry
Nuclear waste characterisation has entered an exciting stage. Radioanalytical needs, coupled with challenging matrices, provide an interesting task for laboratories to deliver a robust and desired outcome.
Principal Enterprise Fellow

Connect with us

Get in touch to find out how you can use our expertise. We're happy to discuss your academic or industry research and project needs.