Research project

Fellowship, Geospatial analysis...neglected zoonotic diseases

  • Research funder:
    Medical Research Council
  • Status:
    Not active

Research outputs

Shengjie Lai, Hang Zhou, Weiyi Xiong, Marius Gilbert, Zhuojie Huang, Jianxing Yu, Wenwu Yin, Liping Wang, Qiulan Chen, Yu Li, Di Mu, Lingjia Zeng, Xiang Ren, Mengjie Geng, Zike Zhang, Buyun Cui, Tiefeng Li, Dali Wang, Zhongjie Li, Nicola A. Wardrop, Andrew J. Tatem & Hongjie Yu, 2017, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 23(2), 184-194
Type: article
S. Lai, Y. Qin, B.J. Cowling, X. Ren, N. Wardrop, M. Gilbert, T.K. Tsang, P. Wu, L. Feng, H. Jiang, Z. Peng, J. Zheng, Q. Liao, S. Li, P.W. Horby, J.J. Farrar, G.F. Gao, A. Tatem & H. Yu, 2016, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 16(7), e108-e118
Type: article
W. Yu, N. Wardrop, R.E.S. Bain, Y. Lin, C. Zhang & J. Wright, 2016, PLoS ONE, 11(3), 1-17
Type: article
2016, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 110(2), 87-89
Type: article