Centre for Earth Research and Analysis Southampton (CERAS) is a world-class facility for the chemical and isotopic analysis of natural and anthropogenic materials. The instruments and techniques available can be applied to a diverse range of applications including environmental, geological, ecological, nuclear, medical, archaeological and oceanographic. The facility is used for a wide range of research purposes and commercial analysis.
For initial enquiries about our capability or using the facilities contact Professor J. Andy Milton .
We can analyse the concentration and isotopic composition of elements across the periodic table in natural and synthetic materials.
We are a well-equipped facility with a suite of mass spectrometers, a class 100 clean lab facility, several wet chemistry labs, and a dedicated and experienced team of support staff and technicians. The CERAS facility also includes the Organic Geochemistry Laboratory , GAU-Radioanalytical and the NNUF-EXACT facility.
Our research spans the Earth and Environmental Sciences but is rooted in the precise and accurate geochemical and isotopic analysis of natural and synthetic materials.
Key themes include:
Scientists who work at CERAS collect samples from all over the world. Left: Dr Roz Coggon on board the Joides Resolution drill ship having drilled the ocean floor. Right: Fieldwork in the Namibian desert.
The type of samples we are able to analyse at CERAS spans a wide range from rocks fresh from volcanoes that reveal eruption processes to fish otoliths (ear bones) that tell us migration patterns of fish.
CERAS provides both academic and industrial consultancy services. The centre is run by an experienced team of research and technical staff with a wide range of analytical expertise.
We offer a number of services that include sample preparation, sample purification and final analysis for isotopic composition or concentration. We have experience and capability to deal with solid (e.g. rocks, sediments, anthropogenic materials) and liquid (e.g. water, oil) samples through either bulk digest or through in situ laser ablation sampling.
For all questions about access please contact Professor Andy Milton ( jam1@soton.ac.uk ).
Contact phone number: +44 23 8059 2169 Contact email address: jam1@soton.ac.uk
Contact address and postcode
Professor J. Andy Milton
School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton,
National Oceanography Centre, Waterfront Campus,
European Way, Southampton. SO14 3ZH, UK