Doctor Kim Bull

Dr Kim Bull

 PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons)
Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Quality of survival in children treated for brain tumours within the context of European treatment trials.
  • Health-related quality of life in children treated for brain tumours.
  • Optomising the collection of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in children treated for brain tumours.

More research


Dr Bull is an associate professor in the academic unit of Clinical and Experimental Sciences (CES).  She is the lead for the Research Project Module which takes place in year 3 in the BM5/6/EU programme.  With regard to research, Dr Bull is co-investigator and Quality of Survival (QoS) lead for the CRUK funded International Society of Paediatric Oncology Europe (SIOPE) randomised controlled trial (RCT), ‘International prospective study on clinically high-risk medulloblastoma’ the commonest malignant brain tumour of childhood.  She is also co-investigator and the international and UK national QoS coordinator (funded by The Brain Tumour Charity) for SIOPE PNET5, the current European RCT for standard risk medulloblastoma. Dr Bull is also co-investigator on a Children with Cancer UK funded study entitled, ‘SMILE: An international network for medulloblastoma survivorship and late effects’, comprising a unique multidisciplinary team of internationally-leading experts and future leaders, optimally positioned to initiate a pan-European network for the development and delivery of future clinical advances in survivorship outcomes.