Emily Barker is a Research Fellow studying the uncertainty of migration across time horizons.
Emily Barker is a Research Fellow studying the uncertainty of migration across time horizons.
Emily’s current research is in the use of early warning systems for asylum application, the effects of automation of jobs and tasks on economies and migration flows, and the effects of migration to economies. This research is part of the QuantMig project funded by Horizon Europe. The modelling techniques are empirical and theoretical, or DSGE, models.
Emily is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. During her PhD studies, she led small to large group sessions in the areas of macroeconomics, microeconomics, mathematics, and macroeconometrics at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She has experience of undergraduate project supervision.
Emily Barker is a Research Fellow studying the uncertainty of migration across time horizons. Emily completed her PhD in Economics at The University of Sheffield in 2020. Her thesis "Essays on the Macroeconomics of Migration" evaluated the role of migration on the macroeconomy of open economies using dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models and structural vector autoregressions (SVAR). The research includes evaluation of brain waste in Canada and the relationship between the resource curse and migration with the use of occasionally binding migration policies. Emily's research interests are in the areas of international migration, business cycles, open economies, fiscal policy, emerging economies, commodity prices, and applied macroeconometrics.