Research project

Extending youth-led citizen science expertise to Mexican coastal communities

Project overview

Flexible Innovation Fund


Lead researchers

Dr Vicky Dominguez Almela

Research interests
  • Research interests: 
  • My work includes the use of individual-based models (IBMs), geographical information systems (GIS) and stable isotopes to increase understandings of invasion patterns and evaluate invasive species eradication programmes. I also use citizen science tools to co-produce knowledge with the general public and increase adaptation pathways to biological invasions.
  • I have mainly work with fish in the past, but recently I have been fascinated by the invasion of the brown pelagic seaweed called sargassum.
Connect with Vicky

Other researchers

Dr Sien Van Der Plank PhD

Senior Research Fellow
Research interests
  • Qualitative and mixed methods to study social-environmental change
  • Risk perceptions and behaviours to hazards
  • Oral history and archival methods to understand past human adaptation
Connect with Sien

Professor Emma Tompkins PhD

Prof of Geog, Environment & Development
Research interests
  • How households and businesses are adapting to climate and weather hazards
  • Monitoring real-time adaptation to hydro-meteorological/climate hazards,  (including compound and cascading hazards)
  • Methods to assess the effectiveness of climate adaptations
Connect with Emma

Professor Jadu Dash

Professor of Remote Sensing
Research interests
  • Satellite derived land surface phenology and its validation with ground data
  • Developing a chlorophyll content based production efficiency model to quantify terrestrial carbon uptake
  • Impact of extreme climatic events on vegetation phenology
Connect with Jadu

Research outputs