Research project

Hydrothermal activity and deep-ocean biology of the Mid-Cayman Rise


Lead researchers

Professor Jon Copley BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD, SFHEA


Research interests

  • Deep-sea ecology
  • Ocean exploration
Connect with Jon

Research outputs

Matthew Hodgkinson, Alexander P. Webber, Stephen Roberts, Rachel A. Mills, Douglas P. Connelly & Bramley J. Murton, 2015, Nature Communications, 6, 10150
Type: article
Alexander P. Webber, Stephen Roberts, Bramley J. Murton & Matthew R.S. Hodgkinson, 2015, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16(8), 2661-2678
Type: article
Alexandra Meier, Nefeli-Maria Tsaloglou, Matthew C. Mowlem, C. William Keevil & Douglas P. Connelly, 2013, Biofouling, 29(9), 1029-1042
Type: article