Research project

Linguistic diversity on the international campus

Project overview

This three year project is funded by the Universities of Southampton and Helsinki, and directed by Jennifer Jenkins and Anna Mauranen. It involves nine teams of researchers in nine universities, one each in: Australia, China, Finland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Spain, UK. The overall aim is to compare and contrast language-related and particularly English language-related issues across the nine institutions. Each team is taking an ethnographic case study approach, and asking the following research questions:

1. To what extent do language practices correspond to stated language polices in the partner institutions? In particular to what extent are other languages than English used/accepted? What kinds of English are use/accepted? What evidence is there of intercultural communicative competence?

2. What are the overt/covert English language expectations of/made of students and staff, and how far do students and staff feel they meet these?

3. What similarities, differences, and implications from questions 1 and 2 emerge across the nine research settings? Are there any particularly noticeable differences between the EMI (non English mother tongue) and English dominant (English mother tongue) settings, and/or across the five EMI settings or across the two English dominant settings?


Lead researchers

Other researchers

Dr Will Baker

Associate Professor
Research interests
  • English as a lingua franca and Global Englishes
  • Intercultural and Transcultural communication
  • English as a medium of instruction and education
Connect with Will

Research outputs