Jonathan is in the high energy theoretical physics group in Physics and Astronomy, with research interests in lattice quantum chromodynamics simulations on supercomputers for application to particle physics. Current research covers decays of particles containing heavy bottom or charm quarks, as well as kaon physics.
Teaching covers electromagnetism and a dissertation course for undergraduates and quantum field theory for postgraduate students. He is a Senior Tutor for Physics and Astronomy and chair of the postrgraduate Special Considerations Board for the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering.
Research groups
Research interests
- Lattice field theory simulations
- Heavy quark physics
- Kaon physics
Current research
My research is in particle physics with particular interest in lattice QCD supercomputer simulations for flavour physics and wider interests in flavour physics phenomenology. Current research covers semileptonic decays of hadrons containg heavy bottom or charm quarks, K pi scattering and rare kaon decays. These calculations test our understanding of QCD contributions to decay processes and allow us to test the Standard Model of particle physics, revealing (we hope) clues to New Physics beyond it.
Research projects
Active projects
Completed projects
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I have taught many of Physics and Astronomy's first and second year core modules. Currently I teach PHYS2001 Electromagnetism and coordinate PHYS6009 Dissertations. I also teach in our PhD student training programme, currently running the third Quantum Field Theory course for students from Southampton and other universites in the SEPnet group of physics departments in South East England.
I am in the Theoretical Particle Physics research group, with particular interest in lattice QCD supercomputer simulations for flavour physics and wider interests in flavour physics phenomenology. I came to Southampton in 1991 after a PhD at Harvard University and postdoctoral positions at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), Chicago.
I have been Head of Department (2015-2019) and was previously in charge of undergraduate teaching as Director of Programmes. I have served as external examiner for theoretical physics degree programmes at the University of Edinburgh and Trinity College Dublin.
I am a past chair of the CERN Computing Resources Scrutiny Group, scrutinising the computing requirements of the four main LHC experiments. I have also chaired STFC's GridPP Oversight Committee, monitoring the UK's contribution to the worldwide LHC computing grid (wLCG). Currently I serve on STFC's IRIS Resources Scrutiny Panel and the UKRI ARCHER eCSE distributed software engineering support panel.
I have served as external examiner for theoretical physics degree programmes at the University of Edinburgh and Trinity College Dublin.