Julie is a Researcher Developer by profession and based in the Centre for Higher Education Practice (CHEP). Her current focus is research staff. She designs professional development interventions based on needs analyses, evaluations and impactful outcomes.
Other activity Julie is engaged in:
- Enabling the implementation of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.
- Supporting the HR Excellence in Research award process for the University.
Research interests
- International research capacity development
- Professional development in higher education.
- Postgraduate & postdoctoral researchers, doctoral supervisors & researcher managers
- Research culture & organisational change
Current research
I am interested in ‘capacity development’, more specifically international research capacity development. I am curious about what kinds of interventions are needed to enable researchers to be the best they can be and what structural support institutions and the wider sector need to provide to facilitate this i.e. what makes for a positive enabling environment for research and researchers both in the UK and internationally.
I am currently drawing on the experiences of the BRECcIA-GCRF project to share with colleagues in the University, the wider HE sector, and to inform a research leaders programme for the University Hospital Southampton.
Dr Julie Reeves has been a Researcher Developer since 2002. She received her doctorate from the University of Southampton in 2001 for research into culture and international relations, before working for the Civic Education Project in Belarus and Ukraine. Prior to joining the University of Southampton again in 2009, she was the Research Training Manager for the Faculty of Humanities, at the University of Manchester.
2018-2022, Julie was the Capacity Development Co-Investigator for BRECcIA-GCRF and is still reflecting on this incredible experience.
Julie was a key researcher and contributor to the Vitae ‘Researcher Development Statement and Framework’, and is a Vitae Researcher Developer Senior Fellow. She was an institutional peer reviewer for Human Resources Excellence in Research award (EC recognition for implementing the Researcher Development Concordat) from 2016 to 2021.
Julie has been a Co-convenor of Society for Research into Higher Education’s Postgraduate Issues Network since 2012, and facilitates the South East Researcher Developers network. In 2021, she founded ReMNet, the international Research Management Network.
She publishes and tweets, both rather irregularly (@JulieDReeves), and is a co-editor of the SAGE Success in Research series with Pam Denicolo, Dawn Duke and Alison Yeung - and from whom she learns loads!