Research group

Centre for Behavioural Experimental Action and Research (C-BEAR)

Centre for Behavioural Experimental Action and Research

We utilise, develop, and apply experimental methods to study key questions in the behavioural and social sciences. We engage with societal challenges via research, consultancy, policy outreach, and training postgraduate students, early-career researchers, and practitioners to perform experimental research.


The Centre for Behavioural Experimental Action and Research (C-BEAR) is a collegial, interdisciplinary group of experts who use behavioural science and experimental methods to understand and address societal challenges. We integrate specialist knowledge in economics, politics, psychology, sociology, and management science to develop innovative and cutting-edge research. We employ an array of experimental methods, including laboratory, online, field, and natural experiments, as well as mathematical modelling and statistical analysis. C-BEAR is a hub that supports researchers and PhD students to develop research projects with social impact, and it helps industry and policymakers to achieve their goals by providing convincing evidence.

Research highlights

Research highlights

People, projects and publications


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