Research project

Greensands Carbon Capture and Storage Project

Project overview

Project Greensand works to ensure that Denmark can use CO2 storage as part of the solution to the climate challenges. The consortium consists of 23 Danish and international partners who contribute expertise from transport, storage and monitoring of CO2 in the subsoil. The consortium's members include everything from Danish and international companies, research institutes, universities and start-ups. The University of Southampton contribution to this project is in the provision and testing of an active acoustic system on a seabed lander capable of detecting unintended emissions.
The goal for Project Greensand is to help establish a value chain for transport and geological CO2 storage offshore in Denmark by the end of 2025. The project is currently in the pilot phase, which is called phase 2. Here the project is developed and demonstrated. The first CO2 to be stored in the North Sea will be sailed from Antwerp in Belgium to the Nini platform in the North Sea. Here it is sent underground via the existing offshore platform and a dedicated well for the purpose. The end goal of CO2 is in a sandstone reservoir 1800 meters below the seabed, where it is permanently stored.

​Geological and production data on the Nini field have been collected for more than 20 years. This means that the consortium's leading partners INEOS and Wintershall Dea know the structures of the underground very well. All this data is important knowledge when the CO2 is to be sent underground - and subsequently monitored carefully to ensure efficient and secure storage.


Lead researchers

Professor Paul White

Prof of Statistical Signal Processing
Research interests
  • Paul has research interests which include signal processing, underwater acoustics and bioacoustics (the way animals, especially marine mammals, use sound). He is primarily concerned with developing tools to assist in the computer-aided analysis of underwater sounds and understanding the role of those sounds in the marine environment.
  • Acoustics, in the form of sonar, is an important tool for the exploration of the marine environment. It is used by the seismic industry to locate oil and gas reserves, by the military to detect objects, by oceanographers to make measurements and by marine mammals to survive.
  • Man-made underwater acoustic systems rely upon computers to process the data coming from sensors to interpret the environment. The processing methods within the computer systems are a critical component often defining the overall success of the instrument.
Connect with Paul

Other researchers

Professor Jonathan Bull

Professor in Ocean & Earth Science
Research interests
  • Fluid Flow and Carbon Capture and Storage
  • Monitoring, Measurement and Verification
  • Marine Geophysics
Connect with Jonathan

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs