Research area

Physics and astronomy

The East and West observatories atop the Southampton physics and astronomy building at Highfield Campus.

Our work is centred around astronomy, quantum light and matter, and theoretical particle physics. We're ranked in the top 5 physics and astronomy departments in the Russell Group.

Research highlights

Applicable Resurgent Asymptotics: towards a universal theory. An Isaac Newton Institute Programme

An innovative Southampton initiative, that brought together mathematicians and theoretical physicists from around the world, is helping shed light on complex challenges in mathematics and physics.

Disorder is Good – Taming disorder in self-assembled materials with topology

Instead of fighting disorder, we should identify structures that are ordered enough to perform the required function.
We have combined cutting edge experiments with breakthrough methods from topological data analysis to quantify emerging structure in apparently disordered nano-assemblies and classify their response to light. We aim to design a new generation of controllable nanosystems at a fraction of the cost of the current methods.

Research institutes, centres and groups
