Research group

Adolescent Health and Wellbeing

Child performing a flip on a trampoline during sunset in a field.

We focus on the physical and mental health and well-being of young people. We aim to ensure healthy futures for them and future generations.

Part of Medicine


Nearly a quarter of the world’s population is adolescent. As a ‘relatively healthy’ group, their needs have been neglected in the past.  

Adolescence is a phase of life when profound physiological, social and psychological development takes place. This phase can determine health and wellbeing trajectories for life.

Young people have the poorest quality diets of any population group in the UK. They also struggle to meet physical activity guidelines. We are experiencing a huge increase in young people seeking help for mental health problems.

To create healthier populations, we need to better understand and meet the needs of young people.  

Researchers are working with young people to create healthier, more hopeful futures. We offer a variety of initiatives including public health interventions to improve diets and increase physical activity, engaging with health care decision-makers and providers.

Adolescent Health at Southampton is a broad area and includes dedicated programmes such as:

LifeLab is a unique research based educational project. It empowers children and young people through science, to make positive lifestyle choices.

The Child and Adolescent Research Group focuses on the physical and mental health of children and adolescents.

Adolescent Health and Wellbeing is a strategic theme supported by the University’s Institute for Life Sciences.

Research highlights

Understanding how best to treat ADHD: a dual approach

Extensive Southampton-led research that explored the best way to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is having international impact.

Empowering young people to make positive health choices during the COVID-19 pandemic

Helping young people to make positive lifestyle choices has never been as important as it is now. LifeLab is working to ensure young people have a voice, and that they understand the choices they can make to reduce the impact COVID-19 on their lives.

People, projects and publications


Professor Kath Woods-Townsend

Professorial Fellow-Enterprise

Research interests

  • Adolescent Health
  • Scientific Literacy
  • Health Literacy

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Kath

Professor Mary Barker PhD, C Psychol

Prof of Psychology & Behavioural Science

Research interests

  • Mary Barker is Professor of Psychology and Behavioural Science. She has a joint appointment in both the Faculty of Medicine and the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Southampton UK.  Mary runs a programme of work in both the UK and in low-income countries aiming to engage young people in improving their sense of agency, well-being and mental health, to benefit their health in general but their diets and physical activity habits more specifically. Her team’s approach is participatory and combines social activism focused on engaging young people in the climate change and health agenda and testing methods of one-to-one support and digital resources including smartphone games. Much of this work takes place as part of her NIHR Programme Grant for Applied Research EACH-B (Engaging Adolescents in Changing Behaviour). She partners in this activity with the TALENT network of colleagues with interests in adolescent health and well-being based in institutions in low-and-middle-income countries. Her team also ran a five-country, longitudinal qualitative study with young people throughout the pandemic exploring their experience, mental health, well-being and resilience, data from which supported UK local and national government COVID messaging to young people. She is adjunct professor at the University of Agder, Norway, and has honorary appointments at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, and University College London.
Connect with Mary

Professor Shane Norris PhD, MASSAf, FAAS

Professor of Global Health
Connect with Shane

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