Research project

EP/I010890/1 - Phase Change Materials - Gill Reid

Project overview

We report a new method for electrodeposition of device-quality metal chalcogenide semiconductor thin films and nanostructures from a single, highly tuneable, non-aqueous electrolyte. This method opens up the prospect of electrochemical preparation of a wide range of functional semiconducting metal chalcogenide alloys that have applications in various nano-technology areas, ranging from the electronics industry to thermoelectric devices and photovoltaic materials. The functional operation of the new method is demon- strated by means of its application to deposit the technologically important ternary Ge/Sb/Te alloy, GST-225, for fabrication of nano- structured phase change memory (PCM) devices and the quality of the material is confirmed by phase cycling via electrical pulsed switching of both the nano-cells and thin films.


Lead researchers

Professor Gill Reid


Research interests

  • Synthetic inorganic chemistry
  • Design and synthesis of new macrocyclic and multidentate ligands involving donor atoms from Groups 15 (P, As, Sb, Bi) and 16 (S, Se, Te)
  • Coordination chemistry with s-, p-, d- and f-block metal ions
Connect with Gill
Other researchers

Professor Philip Bartlett

Professor of Chemistry

Research interests

  • Electrochemistry
  • Bioelectrochemistry
  • Templated electrodeposition of nanomaterials
Connect with Philip

Professor Andrew Hector

Head of School

Research interests

  • Materials synthesis, including metal nitrides, thin film materials, sol-gel and solvothermal processes and porous structures.
  • Materials characterisation – powder and thin film diffraction, microscopy and spectroscopy techniques.
  • Electrochemistry, including charge storage in battery and supercapacitor type cells, and electrodeposition of various materials. 
Connect with Andrew

Professor Kees De Groot


Research interests

  • Radio-Frequency and Microwave Devices
  • 2 dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides  Transistors
  • Smart Radiative Cooling and RF control of smart glass using metal oxides such as Al-doped ZnO and W-doped VO2
Connect with Kees

Emeritus Professor William Levason

Research interests

  • Coordination chemistry, group 15 and 16 donor ligands, early transition metal chemistry, main group metal chemistry 
Connect with William

Research outputs

Philip Bartlett, Jennifer Burt, Mahboba Hasan, Andrew Hector, William Levason, Gill Reid & Peter Richardson, 2016, RSC Advances, 6(77), 73323-73330
Type: article
Matthew Everett, Andrew Jolleys, William Levason, Mark E. Light, David Pugh & Gillian Reid, 2015, Dalton Transactions, 44(48), 20898-20905
Type: article