Research project

Programme Grant - EP/I033394/1 - Barlett


Lead researchers

Professor Philip Bartlett

Professor of Chemistry

Research interests

  • Electrochemistry
  • Bioelectrochemistry
  • Templated electrodeposition of nanomaterials
Connect with Philip
Other researchers

Professor Andrew Hector

Head of School

Research interests

  • Materials synthesis, including metal nitrides, thin film materials, sol-gel and solvothermal processes and porous structures.
  • Materials characterisation – powder and thin film diffraction, microscopy and spectroscopy techniques.
  • Electrochemistry, including charge storage in battery and supercapacitor type cells, and electrodeposition of various materials. 
Connect with Andrew

Professor Gill Reid


Research interests

  • Synthetic inorganic chemistry
  • Design and synthesis of new macrocyclic and multidentate ligands involving donor atoms from Groups 15 (P, As, Sb, Bi) and 16 (S, Se, Te)
  • Coordination chemistry with s-, p-, d- and f-block metal ions
Connect with Gill

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

David C. Smith, Joseph H. Spencer, Jeremy Sloan, Liam P. McDonnell, Harrison Trewhitt, Reza J. Kashtiban & Eric Faulques, 2016, Journal of Visualized Experiments(110), 1-14
Type: article
Charles Cummings, Philip N. Bartlett, David Pugh, Gill Reid, William Levason, Mahboba Hasan, Andrew Hector, Joe Spencer, David C. Smith, Samuel Marks & Richard Beanland, 2016, ChemElectroChem, 3(5), 726-733
Type: article
Calum Robertson, Richard Beanland, Stuart A. Boden, Andrew Lee Hector, Reza J. Kashtiban, Jeremy Sloan, David C. Smith & Alain Walcarius, 2015, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(6), 4763-4770
Type: article
Philip N. Bartlett, Magdalena Perdjon-Abel, David Cook, Gillian Reid, William Levason, Fei Cheng, Wenjian Zhang, Michael W. George, Jie Ke, Richard Beanland & Jeremy Sloan, 2014, ChemElectroChem, 1(1), 187-194
Type: article