Dr Steve Taylor is a senior research engineer at the University of Southampton, UK.
He received his PhD in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) from the University of Greenwich in 1997 and has published over 40 academic papers.
His research interests include risk management, cybersecurity, trust and computational governance & regulation.
He was PI on the recently finished H2020 ProTego project and on the current H2020 FogProtect project.
He also currently works on the HDRUK PRiAM project and the H2020 Cyberkit4SME project.
In ProTego, he focused on dynamic cyber security risk modelling in the healthcare sector, and in H2020 FogProtect he is focusing on risk modelling for end-to-end protection of data from the fog to the cloud.
In Cyberkit4SME he is investigating a risk management approach applied to regulatory compliance. Application domains for this work include the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ISO 27001 concerning IT security.
In PRiAM he is modelling the privacy harms as risks in Trusted Research Environments (TREs).
He has also made significant contributions to the University of Southampton "Social Data Foundation" concept aiming to provide TREs for linking health and social care data to enable research into optimising joined up care pathways from within the local community and the medical sectors, focusing on governance and audit aspects.
He is a member of the NESSI (Networked European Software and Services Initiative) Steering Committee.