Doctor Jay de los Reyes

Dr Jay de los Reyes


Research interests

  • youth
  • mobilities
  • transnational families

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.


Dr. Elizer Jay de los Reyes is a Lecturer based in the Southampton Education School at the University of Southampton. Jay’s scholarship examines the impact of mobilities of labour and risks on learners and educators around the world.  He investigates how rural women’s emigration from northern Philippines shape their left-behind children’s aspirations and attitudes towards schooling. Jay also studies the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the resilience of historically underrepresented higher education academics especially those at the early stages of their careers.

At Southampton Education School, Jay is the Associate Programme Director of the MSC Education. He is involved in the teaching of modules such as Digital Society and Social Justice and Inclusive Education in the undergraduate programmes. He is involved in Applying Educational Research, and Social Contexts of Education modules for the postgraduate programmes of the School.