Project overview

Research in CPC-II is organised around the five thematic areas of:
1. Fertility and family change
2. Increasing longevity and the changing life course
3. New mobilities and migration
4. Understanding intergenerational relations & exchange
5. Integrated demographic estimation and forecasting


Lead researchers

Professor Jane Falkingham

VP Engagement and International
Connect with Jane
Other researchers

Dr Paul Bridgen

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • The impact of the environmental crisis on welfare states
  • Eco-social policy developments - theory and empirical evaluations
  • Energy/fuel poverty in the UK and EU
Connect with Paul

Professor Maria Evandrou FAcSS


Research interests

  • ESRC: Centre for Population Change (CPC): I am Co-Director of ESRC Centre for Population Change. My collaborative work focuses on a) Increasing longevity and the changing life course, and b) Understanding intergenerational relations & exchange. For more information, please visit the CPC website.
  • ESRC CPC - Connecting Generations: I am also Co-Director of the ESRC CPC-Connecting Generations research programme. The research will investigate areas such as changing intergenerational relationships; intergenerational flows of support in later life; and work-life balance, employment and caring responsibilities in mid-life. More information on the Connecting Generations research programme here.
Connect with Maria

Professor Jakub Bijak

Professor of Statistical Demography
Connect with Jakub

Professor Ann Berrington

Professor-Demography&Social Statistics
Connect with Ann

Professor Jackie Wahba

Professor of Economics
Connect with Jackie

Dr Christian Schluter

Connect with Christian

Professor Athina Vlachantoni

Professor of Gerontology & Social Policy

Research interests

  • Informal care provision and receipt
  • Unmet need for social care
  • Pension protection
Connect with Athina

Professor Brienna Perelli-Harris

Professor of Demography
Connect with Brienna

Professor Peter Smith

Professor in Social Statistics
Connect with Peter

Professor Traute Meyer

Professor of Social Policy
Connect with Traute

Dr Hector Calvo-Pardo

Connect with Hector

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Zhixin Feng, Jane Falkingham, Xiaoting Liu & Athina Vlachantoni, 2016, SSM - Population Health, 3, 9-19
Type: article
Brienna Perelli-Harris, Ann Berrington, Nora Sanchez Gassen, Paulina Galezewska, Jennifer Holland & Teresa Mcgowan, 2016
Type: workingPaper
Arkadiusz Wisniowski, Jonathan J. Forster, Peter W.F. Smith, Jakub Bijak & James Raymer, 2016, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 179(4), 1007-1024
Type: article