Primary Care Research Centre


Browse a selection of our publications catalogue.
Saskia Hullegie, Roger A.M.J. Damoiseaux, Alastair D. Hay, Nicolaas P.A. Zuithoff, Thijs M.A. van Dongen, Paul Little, Anne G.M. Schilder & Roderick P. Venekamp, 2024, Family Practice
Type: article
Joseph F Standing, Laura Buggiotti, Jose Afonso Guerra-Assuncao, Charlotte A. Williams, Claire M. Smith, Mark Lown, Nick Francis, Philip Evans & Paul Little, 2024, Nature Communications, 15(1)
Type: article
Abi Eccles, Carol Bryce, Annelieke Driessen, Catherine Pope, Jennifer MacLellan, Toto Anne Christine Gronlund, Brian D Nicholson, Sue Ziebland & Helen Atherton, 2024, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners
Type: article
Shraddha Sriraman, Devika Sreejith, Evie Andrew, Immaculate Okello & Merlin Willcox, 2023, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 53
Type: article