Centre for Marketing Research

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Guoqing Zhao, Shaofeng Liu, Yi Wang, Carmen Lopez, Aira Ong & Xiaoning Chen, 2022, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 26(2)
Type: article
George Balabanis & Carmen Lopez, 2022, International Business Review, 31(5)
Type: article
Carmen Lopez, Mohamed Yacine Haddoud & Dulekha Kasturiratne, 2022, Journal of Business Research, 149, 927-937
Type: article
Paurav Shukla, Veronica Rosendo-Rios, Sangeeta Trott, Daisy Lyu & Dina Khalifa, 2022, Journal of International Marketing
Type: article
Ben Marder, Matthew Gorton, Richard Freeman & Rob Angell, 2022, Information Technology & People
Type: article