Module overview
The practice experience provides a work-based environment to enable you to apply the theoretical knowledge and skills learnt in academic module/s, and to develop, consolidate, and enhance the practice knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a midwife. Modular learning outcomes tested through a practice based assessment and specified essential skills must be achieved in each placement.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Achieve the required Professional Competencies.
- Synthesize evidence to inform practice.
- Demonstrate best midwifery practice by working in partnership with women, their families and other professionals.
- Demonstrate the ability to work effectively in the inter-professional team.
- Critically reflect and practise in a manner which promotes the rights of the individual.
- Demonstrate the ability to communicate safely and effectively with women and families.
- Act as an advocate for women meeting the requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
- Successfully complete a Drugs Calculation test.
Nursing and Midwifery Council Pre-registration Standards
EU Requirements
School and programme requirements
Programme threads are linked throughout and include:
- Baby Friendly principles
- Medicines management
- Mental health and well-being
- Values Based Journey
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Practice experience is supported by direct supervision from midwifery assessors/supervisors and other professionals although you have supernumerary status you are expected to be involved in direct care. Opportunities exist in each practice experience for you to arrange additional learning experiences to meet your learning needs
- Application of research to practice workshops (normally 1 day per practice experience)
- Reflection in Practice day (normally 1 per practice experience)
- Blackboard resources
- Academic support in practice; student and midwifery assessors/supervisors progress review as required
- Online resources including drug calculation practice
Covering a range of shift patterns across a 24 hour period Monday to Sunday inclusive.
Type | Hours |
Completion of assessment task | 3 |
Practical classes and workshops | 15 |
Placement Hours | 357 |
Total study time | 375 |
Resources & Reading list
Internet Resources
Standards for Pre-registration Midwifery Education.
Assessment and Learning in Practice.
Assessment strategy
You are required to achieve a pass in the following core competencies before grading of practice takes place:
- Practises in accordance with The Code (NMC 2015)
- Understands the need to practice in a way which respects, promotes and supports individual rights, interests, preferences, beliefs and cultures
- Aware of the need for effective communication throughout the pre-conception, antenatal, intrapartum and post natal periods
- Maintains confidentiality of information
Inability to achieve these outcomes will constitute a referral overall. On achievement of P4 competencies, a Grading in Practice assessment will be completed by you and your midwifery assessors/supervisors. The percentage grade, awarded by your midwifery assessors/supervisors (40-100%), will contribute to your overall award outcome.
This module is based within a clinical environment and can only be attempted in-person. Only two total attempts are allowed, irrespective of the regulatory conditions under which it is attempted. Any student who must re-attempt this module in a subsequent academic year must do so in attendance, as there is no external option.
If this is the only module taken in a specific academic year then the student will be suspended when not directly on placement. The attempt will be subject to pro-rata fees liability, which will be calculated based upon the credit total of the module. Any student choosing to re-attempt the module accepts the conditions described above and the fees liabilities defined, this includes any student who attempts this module as part of the conditional progression policy.
This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.
EAoPP to collate EU and Course requirements
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback: You will receive feedback from your midwifery assessors/supervisors throughout your placement.
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
EAoPP skills competencies
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback: You will receive feedback from your midwifery assessors/supervisors throughout your placement.
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
Drug calculation examination
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback: You will receive instant feedback via the medicines management package.
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
EAoPP NMC competencies | 100% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
EAoPP NMC competencies | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External