Courses / Modules / PODY2033 Foot and Ankle Musculoskeletal Pathology

Foot and Ankle Musculoskeletal Pathology

When you'll study it
Term 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Charlotte Dando
Academic year

Module overview

The level 5 Foot and Ankle Musculoskeletal Pathology module provides students with the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in musculoskeletal foot and ankle pathology. By building upon previous learning at level 4, students critically evaluate different biomechanical paradigms. They will also undertake, then synthesise and interpret findings of clinical assessments related to foot and ankle musculoskeletal pathology. Formulation of diagnoses and management planning is grounded in contemporary critical analysis of the literature and applied as part of an evidence based approach, utilising measurable outcome criteria.